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Yes, you can join it, but do not expect very good results from it.

Yes, but before getting a transfer certificate you will have to read the NMC(National Medical Commission) Guidelines carefully in order to change the medical university.

No, there is no entrance examination. Admissions are on a first come, first served system. A Student should satisfy the minimum requirements for admission.

No, you do not have to undergo the one-year Russian Language Course. You are taught in English, but as you know that during Medical education you have to interact with local patients and so you must know the local language. That is why you are given Russian language classes as a subject during the first, second and third year. The knowledge of Russian also helps you in your daily life.

This goes the same way if any Punjabi doctor wants to work in Gujarat, where a patient from a rural area only knows Gujarati and can not explain his problem to this Punjabi doctor. Here the fluency of English, Punjabi and Hindi will not help the poor Punjabi doctor - he must learn Gujarati.

There are many airlines operating on route from Moscow to different cities of India from various airports of Moscow. DelMos helps in purchasing air tickets with student concessions.


Public transport is very well organized in Derzhavin. However, students do not so frequently need the public transport as they are living on campus and everything is available in or near the campus.

Yes, we have gyms, operating separately for boys and girls. We have all kinds of machines in them. Personal trainers are giving you guidelines for your exercises.

No, a cleaning woman will come daily and clean your toilet, washbasin room and shower room.

Option 1: You can dine in an Indian Mess. The Indian Mess is operating, where 3 Indian cooks are working. Mess is operating on two systems: Indian Pure Vegetarian and Indian Non-Vegetarian. Food is served two times a day i.e. Lunch and Dinner. High standards of Taste, Quality and Hygiene are maintained here. The timetable of the mess is adjusted in accordance with the educational timetable of the students.

Option 2: You can make the food by yourself in the hostel kitchen.

Yes, You can have a part time job due to the new Rules and Regulations by the Russian Federation.

No, if you got admission to Derzhavin Tambov State University through DelMos , then you have to live in the provided hostel. This is for your well being only. When living in the hostel, you are inside the campus, your classes are nearby, you are safe, in the hostel there is a studious environment, students live in more disciplined manner, there is a strictly controlled system keeping a watch on students.

Yes, nationalized banks in India offer you loans for your medical education abroad. You will have to apply for a loan directly. DelMos will provide you with documents needed by a bank from the university.

The best way to transfer the money is to use international
ATM/debit cards. For this purpose, a student should open a bank account in India in a bank that is offering international ATM / debit cards. Then, whenever he needs money, his parents will just deposit the required amount in this account and the student will withdraw the amount from any ATM machine of any Russian bank. Of course, rules and regulations of the banks will apply. For more details please contact your bank.

Yes, the hostel is open during vacations. No, you do not have to leave the hostel. You can stay at the hostel.

Yes, you will have the Internet facility.


Departure from Indira Gandhi International Airport New Delhi: Find the check-in counter of your airline and go to the airline check-in counter. Get in the queue in front of the counter for your class ticket. When your turn comes, put your suitcase on the belt and give your air ticket. Get your boarding card and air ticket. On the boarding card there is the following information: Your name, flight number, gate number and seat number.
Proceed for the immigration counter and get in the queue for the Indians. When your turn comes, hand over your passport and Boarding card. Immigration officer will stamp the passport and the boarding card and will return these things.
The next step is for a security check. Get yourself and your hand bag security checked.
Go in the waiting hall and wait till there is an announcement about your flight passengers to board the plane. Then proceed to the gate number for your flight, go to the plane through the tunnel, get in the plane and go to your seat, number of which is on your boarding card. Air hostess will help you in finding your seat.

B: Arrival at the Moscow Airport: On arrival at the Moscow airport, proceed to the immigration check with all passengers and get in the queue for foreigners. When your turn comes, give your passport. If immigration officer asks, then give him a copy of the invitation letter from the institute. He will stamp the passport and he will give you a small printed migration card, you have to sign this migration card. Keep your
passport and migration securely Go to the luggage belts and find the belt with your flight number on it and wait for your suitcase and collect it.

Proceed to the customs counter and put your luggage in for custom check. Get out where a representative of DelMos Consultants is waiting for you.

Yes, that would be a great idea, as poor knowledge of English
could create an obstacle in understanding the material taught by teachers. If you do not join any such course then, you will face some problems for the first three - four months.

There are 4 seasons in the European part of Russia. Spring
(March to May), Summer (June to August), Autumn (September to November) and Winter (December to February). The climate of Derzhavin is temperate continental with cool summer and mild winter. Temperature in summer is up to +25 and in winter about -10 degrees centigrade.

All buildings in Russia, including the University and the Hostel buildings, public transports and shops etc. are centrally heated. Government takes care of the heating system. Students are well advised by DelMos how to wear and keep warm.

Derzhavin is 500 Km from Moscow and 180 km from Saint-Petersburg.Novgorod is well connected to Moscow and Saint-Petersburg by Rail and Road.Students usually travel to both cities by car, taxi or train. DelMos organizes group travel to the airport by bus or minibus, which is comparably quite cheap.

You are provided with laundry in the hostel.

There is a large gamma of sports facilities for sport
enthusiasts. There is a Cricket ground, where Indian and Sri Lankan students enjoy playing cricket. All sport facilities, including Tennis, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Hockey, Badminton, Table tennis, etc are available.

There is a swimming pool with a sauna bath in the campus. There are two shooting galleries on our campus. Our university owns a skiing base outside the city. Frequent sports tournaments are organized, where Indian students participate enthusiastically.

o, there is no such thing as ragging in the Derzhavin Tambov State University. On the contrary, senior students are going to help fresher students in starting their lives in Russia. Senior students understand very well that a new student is facing changes like cultural change, climatic change, language is different, homesickness etc. Senior students themselves went through this process.

Yet again, ragging is strictly prohibited and if any senior student does take ragging, then he will be expelled from the university immediately.

The cost of living in Russia for an Indian student varies from
city to city. The average cost of living (excluding food) in Derzhavin, as it has been observed by DelMos after a long experience, is 100-120 USA Dollars per month (approximately Rs.8000-9000) but this may vary depending upon the lifestyle of an individual.

You will live in a student hostel especially for Indian students. The rules and regulations for residing in this hostel are very strict, again from the cultural system in any Indian family. (Please read 'Rules and regulations for residing in the hostel'.)
The system of residence is separate for boys and girls, 2, 3 or 4
seated big rooms, upgraded comforts, central heating, full furniture with beddings, the room has a balcony with picturesque view, shower room, toilet, washbasin room, everyday cleaning of rooms, security guards, reception, cleaning and washing personnel, 24 hour medical center, well-equipped Gymnasiums with hi-tech machines with personal trainers. All documentation and any problem related with administration, studies, residence or daily life will be taken care of in the hostel.

Yes, a foreign student can open a bank account.

Every student should have compulsory medical insurance, which covers almost all bills of treatment.

Winter vacations are only 15 days in January, or February, but Summer vacations are two months (July and August). You are advised to visit India during your summer vacation. Group journeys are organized for students to India helping them to acquire student's concession air tickets.

Every Indian student is advised by DelMos to have a mobile
phone. Mobile phone system is highly developed in Russia and your parents can easily contact you.

Yes, your parents are most welcome to visit you and the
university. For details how they can get a visa and for arrangement of their journey please contact the office of DelMos.

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DelMos LLC
Pskov-180004, Office-506, Street-Vokzalnaya-20


Noida-201303, U.P.

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